New Year, New Classes!

Happy New Year! One of my resolutions for this year is to update this blog consistently. It has had a bit of a hiatus while I was working more than I anticipated. But I am now back to focusing exclusively on knitting, classes, and other fun things like that which will hopefully mean more blog updates!

In 2014, I will be regularly teaching classes at What in Yarnation! in Cannon Falls, MN. I am very excited about this opportunity and hope to meet lots of knitters along the way. What’s in the plan for January? Check out these fun options:

Scrap Yarn Scarves

Leftovers (aka Stashbusting)
Learn how to turn your leftover and stash yarn into beautiful finished objects. In this class, we will focus on selecting yarns for color, weight and texture; using combinations of yarn; and selecting patterns well-suited to stashbusting. Each of the scarves picture were made from various scraps in my stash and each uses the same pattern. One session, just $10 – but coming up fast so register now.

Thrummed mittens

Thrummed Mittens
Learn to make these super warm mittens lined with unspun wool that will felt to fit your hand and line the mitten to keep out drafts. The photo above shows the outside (left) and the inside (right) of what the mittens look like. These fun mittens can be done in any number of potential color combinations. I taught this class in November and it was fun to see the variety of combinations put together:

Class mittens

The Thrummed Mitten class is aimed at people who know how to knit, purl, and do common increases & decreases, but have not necessarily made a mitten before. You will learn both how to thrum and how to make a mitten. Three weekly sessions, $30. Register here.

Graffiti HatGraffiti Hats

Graffiti Hat
When I saw this hat, I knew I just had to make one. I have since made six. 🙂 This hat features a beautiful cable on the side of the hat and a background in two colors. The class is appropriate for people who have made a hat before (or at least know how to knit, purl, and do common decreases) but have not worked with two colors or cabled. The colorwork is done in the easiest way – each row is done in a single color. No stranding, so no tensioning issues. Two sessions, $20. Register here.

Help Session
The plan is to offer an Help Session on the last Sunday of each month for anyone who has taken one of my classes and wants a little extra help. Maybe the project has sat for a bit and you need a little help getting restarted. Or maybe you need a refresher on something we covered in class. In any case, bring your project and we will see if we can get you unstuck. Best of all, the first 15 minutes of help is free! After that, $5/hour – a bargain rate I can offer because of the group setting. The first session will be Sunday, January 26, 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Register here to reserve your seat.

I have updated the Classes page with all the currently scheduled sessions as well as a preview of what will be coming up soon. Be sure to subscribe to ‘follow’ this blog in order to get each update as it is available.

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