New project – Edinburgh Tee

Browsing the new patterns posted on Ravelry recently, I came across a pattern that really grabbed me and said “MAKE ME!” – Edinburgh Tee by Jill Wright.

© Fiesta Yarns

© Fiesta Yarns

I just love the cabling detail on the front. Plus, it is summer and I really need some lighter weight knits to wear. This seemed like a perfect solution that would also be fun to make.

I chose some pretty blue Cascade Ultra Pima and actually swatched! It is a good thing, too, as despite generally being an on-gauge knitter, my initial swatch did not get gauge. I went up a needle size which did the trick, but I did not like the fabric it produce. So, the US6 would not work and neither would the US7. Fortunately, one of my needle gauges shows an option between six and seven and I had a needle that measured as that. Hence, I’m using a US6.5 – a size that doesn’t really exist, but works for me.

I also learned a new cast on that is specifically designed to be stretchy and set up for ribbing: Tillybuddy’s Very Stretchy Cast On from the great reference book Cast On, Bind Off (previously blogged about).

Here is the progress so far: