I didn’t know I needed that!

Last night, I went to a reception at What in Yarnation! for designer Bernadette St Amant from Hand Painted Knitting Yarns. She had a large array of HPKY products and enough knit up samples we each could have worn two or three and there would still be some leftover! It was very cool to see the variety of yarns and the many neat ways they were crafted into finished objects, from shawls and wraps to afghans and everything in between.

hpky garter shawlOne cool thing I learned – HPKY makes kits based on their Lengthwise Garter Shawl pattern (scroll almost to the bottom of the page). These kits include five different yarns, all color-coordinated, and of course, the pattern. It is an easy, doable pattern for virtually any level of knitter. At this point, you may be asking what was so cool about them? Well, the package some of them with the needle needed and sell them at hospital gift shops! Since we do not always get to plan enough to grab our knitting when having to head to the hospital, I thought this was a great idea! Everything you need to get started immediately, something to keep your hands busy while waiting, and an easy enough pattern you can knit while distracted.

And while I went to meet Bernadette and to learn more about the yarns and patterns, I really was not planning to buy anything. Really. I certainly do not NEED any new projects. Really.

HPKY vestSo, how is it I ended up buying something? Well, as the samples were being tried on, one in particular drew my eye. It looked nice on everyone who tried it on, which is a big selling point for me. And best of all, the kit could be ordered in the colorway of my choice. After a bit of a dilemma about whether I should spend the money or not, I ended up ordering the kit for a Fringed Vest (near the top, about third pattern listed). I chose the colorway Idomeneo, the rich version. And of course, at least one of the yarns has glitter in it. Can’t wait to get the yarn and get started!

Cuz I did not know I needed it, but clearly I did.

Now, I need to finish up a few things so I can start this new project as soon as it comes in…

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